Wednesday, October 27, 2010

GEMINI/CANCER-Cusp June 16 to June 26


Those who draw their first breath when one sign is giving place to another are said to belong on the Cusp, and so partake of the characteristics of both signs. This may be an advantage or a disadvantage, according to the harmony or in harmony of the signs. Six days in a sign is said to constitute a residence, but anything less than this time endows one with some of the qualities of the preceding sign.

The ancients gave the cusp children liberty to select their own colors and jewels from the two signs, and considered them related to the planets of both. Any other cusp information can easily be gleaned by the study of the two signs.
Gemini/Cancer Cusp - June 16 to June 26

Persons born at this time need the utmost care in childhood. It will pay the parents to be very vigilant—indeed, this is true of Gemini and Cancer separately —but when these signs blend, there is double reason for the fatherly and motherly eye.

Gemini soars and Cancer floats or swims according to fancy. These natives are very self-willed and opinionated, though the best friends and neighbors on earth if left alone. Women born on this cusp are often coquettes and prevaricators. A marital engagement is a sensation, and can be escaped from without compunction.

Marriage is held sometimes quite as loosely. They are excessively fond of children, and in case of separation will fight to the death for their custody. The men care so much for pleasure that they often sacrifice home and business to its pursuit. They are bon vivants, excessively fond of show, and possess a magnetic quality that draws everything to them.

If they fail in business, they will start in again and become successful. Somebody always comes to the rescue; in the case of a man it is very apt to be a woman who comes forward with the cash, and vice versa. The sensuousness of Gemini and the sensuality of Cancer is a hard combination to master. They are brilliant and usually show to advantage on account of their wonderful magnetism. They are fluent talkers and sometimes great readers, though apt to be superficial.

The genius of this cusp is kindliness.


Those who draw their first breath when one sign is giving place to another are said to belong on the Cusp, and so partake of the characteristics of both signs. This may be an advantage or a disadvantage, according to the harmony or in harmony of the signs. Six days in a sign is said to constitute a residence, but anything less than this time endows one with some of the qualities of the preceding sign.

The ancients gave the cusp children liberty to select their own colors and jewels from the two signs, and considered them related to the planets of both. Any other cusp information can easily be gleaned by the study of the two signs.

Gemini/Cancer Cusp - June 16 to June 26
Persons born at this time need the utmost care in childhood. It will pay the parents to be very vigilant—indeed, this is true of Gemini and Cancer separately —but when these signs blend, there is double reason for the fatherly and motherly eye.

Gemini soars and Cancer floats or swims according to fancy. These natives are very self-willed and opinionated, though the best friends and neighbors on earth if left alone. Women born on this cusp are often coquettes and prevaricators. A marital engagement is a sensation, and can be escaped from without compunction.

Marriage is held sometimes quite as loosely. They are excessively fond of children, and in case of separation will fight to the death for their custody. The men care so much for pleasure that they often sacrifice home and business to its pursuit. They are bon vivants, excessively fond of show, and possess a magnetic quality that draws everything to them.

If they fail in business, they will start in again and become successful. Somebody always comes to the rescue; in the case of a man it is very apt to be a woman who comes forward with the cash, and vice versa. The sensuousness of Gemini and the sensuality of Cancer is a hard combination to master. They are brilliant and usually show to advantage on account of their wonderful magnetism. They are fluent talkers and sometimes great readers, though apt to be superficial.

The genius of this cusp is kindliness.

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